Infinite Jump is a serialization magazine and community initiative run by Wattpad Ambassador NickUskoski. It promotes the process of serial writing, or writing of a story without a goal or ending in mind, releasing it as it is written to be a long-term project, similar to TV dramas, manga, or comic books. The magazine releases bi-monthly (every 2 weeks) and showcases a maximum of 6 stories at a time which all run in the magazine and on the individual profiles.

The magazine only keeps up to 5 issues at a time. Back issues will not be kept. All authors maintain their works on their own profiles and all older chapters of their stories can be found there. It is recommended to support any individual author's work on their own profile as well as Infinite Jump.

Infinite Jump releases every other Wednesday, or every 14 days.
  • Worldwide!
  • JoinedJune 10, 2014


Last Message
infinitejump infinitejump Jul 02, 2014 04:23PM
The first issue of Infinite Jump is online! Please take a look at the wonderful collection of stories we have posted here by a variety of authors, all of whom you will find in the dedications. Please...
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Stories by Infinite Jump Magazine
Infinite Jump by infinitejump
Infinite Jump
Infinite Jump is a serialization magazine and community initiative run by Wattpad Ambassador NickUskoski. It...
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