
Uh, in case I haven't posted about this: Silver Linings is on Hiatus.
          	I'm focusing on plotting Lost on Memory Lane and rewriting the first few chapters of TWAS. I also want to rewrite Silver Linings but that's a backburner project.


Question to all the lovely people waiting on an update for TWAS: I want to rewrite the first two to three chapters of the fic. Would you want a new book for the old chapters or should I just replace those chapters and move on?
          I can also replace the chapters and post the old chapters in 'Writing Dump'.
          You guys let me know!


You know, I hate reading a great book, remembering it years later and not being able to find it again. It's so sad and it drives me nuts as I comb thru my bookmarks and library/archives like a madwoman. 
          Speaking of, does anyone remember a story here, a PJO/Avengers crossover, where the Mist is fading and the Avengers/Shield start kidnapping demigods in order to figure out what's happening w these monsters showing up??? Bc I'm in one of those obsessive moods again. 


@NerdTitan08 ahh yes! It's maddening!


@infinity500 Yes, i hate that feeling, i read a book when i was in like 1st grade that i still remeber, and i've asked for it in the library so many times, describing it, but i still haven't found it


Finally found the fic! It's called Olympian Legend on
            Great story, I highly recommend a read!


Hi, I've been  revisiting To Wash Away A Sin for a while now, and I just wanted to say that I LOVE IT! It's completely unique in its ship and everything, and I wanted you to know that you shouldn't feel pressured to update if you can't and all that, and also to say [once again] I LOVE YOUR BOOK!!


Oh wow thank you! That's so sweet and I'm glad people are still enjoying the story even if I'm not currently updating it. Don't get me wrong, I plan to. I just haven't been writing recently so in as disappointed as you are. Still, thank you so much for this! It's been a rough week and even though I'm seeing this way late, it really came at a great time. Thanks again, you beautiful human being!  


Hey, its been a while but I decided to pop up. I still follow ur fanfic, to wash away a sin and I want to say keep writing, we need some more fem percy out there


@lowfilmx I’m suuuuuuuper exited man!!!!!!


Wow, thank you! It has been a while and I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting. I had just started college and it was a bit overwhelming to say the least lol. I'm still writing tho so thank you for your support! I'm working on wrapping up this arc to start moving the story along. I really don't know when that'll be ready but I'm aiming for the end of the month. (No promises tho. Me and deadlines are not friends) Thank you again for messaging! And you're totally right, there isn't nearly enough fem!percy stuff out there ^.^