
I literally disappeared from the face of earth for 3 month OMG I’m so sorry! I was travelling through Panama and France, and couldn’t find the time to write :( I’ll pick it back up again 


hey author-nim! i read your book ill meet you in paris its so good btw hope your doing fine will you be uploading new stories?


oh i see im good too


@vegeta9000_1 hello! I’m doing good :) You? Been travelling a lot lately. Kind off took a long long break from writing. I need to find other inspiration than taekook and need to find more creativity. I’m finishing the last chapter for Wayfarer for closure and after that I’ll probably stop writing again :) It’s okay though, thanks for the concerns 


Heyy where are you?? I miss you and your writing sooo much. When are you gonna update a new chap of "Wayfarer"??. ❤️


@inikkilike ohhh I understand you. And of course totally support and respect your choices. I'll patiently wait for the last chap of my wayfarer ♥️


@Taekook___3001 hello! I’ve taken a long break from writing. It doesn’t make me happy anymore. I need to find new inspiration for books in stead of Taekook… I still support them, but I have to improve my writing and creativity. Thanks for the concerns <33 I’m probably going to finish the last chapter of wayfarer today, just for closure :) 


I literally disappeared from the face of earth for 3 month OMG I’m so sorry! I was travelling through Panama and France, and couldn’t find the time to write :( I’ll pick it back up again