@PatrickAlfredMendez Yes, yes..because showing up unexpectedly is so casual..as what I've heard from Teddy..since she knows just about EVErYTHING about you....well from what I've heard ^.^@Teddiee THATS MY LINE!!@ressa_francis Hello Teddy's friend..I'm Teddys friend in real life! And coincidentily One of my favourite songs to pla yon piano is secrets by one republic too! :D..And I like to sleep also..as my name explains! :D
@PatrickAlfredMendez well yeah! i was about to watch the fairy tail episodes but whatever. T_T
and ressa said she has a tonne of homework so yeah. :/
@ILIKESLEEP XD lol. and a wild ILIKESLEEP has appeared!:D
@Teddiee@ILIKESLEEP LOL That's my habit! XD It's not MY fault I just saw this thing on my news feed and it was about ressa so I clicked it and read it and then I replied!