
Gahhh! Happy fifth anniversary of The Lost Girl! I can't believe this story has been so consistently with me for the past five years of my life. I'm so happy to have this community here. And, hey- here's to the next five years!- The Author


So... I'm alive  
          I know that it's been a really long time, and I apologize sincerely! Progress on The Lost Girl is so hit or miss. However... CHAPTER SEVEN IS FINALLY PUBLISHED!
          Every comment or vote makes a world of difference, so I hope that everyone enjoys it! There are some really fun lines in there that I loved writing, and I hope you love reading! Thank you for your patience! -The Author


Happy WIP Wednesday! Here's a sneak peak at the upcoming Chapter Seven of The Lost Girl:
             "The girl's legs still carried her forwards, no matter how willing or unwilling her mind was to follow. She had to begrudgingly admit that the scene did not invite dread to fill her. Distrust and unease, yes, but not dread.
             Could she really blame herself for seeking this tea party in Wonderland? For wanting to explore a personal Narnia? It felt like a betrayal to the words she'd used to fight Pan since she got here, but it was what she'd always wanted."


Hi! I know it's been a while, and I promise that I haven't disappeared off the face of the Earth! Chapter Seven is still going (just very very slowly). I'm looking forward to possibly giving a preview as an apology next WIP Wednesday (wink, wink). I hope everyone is still enjoying The Lost Girl! I'm sure enjoying writing it!!- The Author


Hello! I meant to update yesterday, but I have big news! Chapter Six will be posted this month! After all the waiting, it will finally get posted! Also, I have a lot of bonus materials for The Lost Girl, including deleted scenes and early drafts. If any readers would be interested in me adding that on or maybe even creating a separate story for bonus materials, please lmk!! I think everyone is going to really enjoy this chapter, so make sure you've caught up through Chapter Five!- The Author


I know, I'm a terrible excuse for an author (or maybe an author at their purest, who knows?) pretending that having my life together meant I'd actually write lol. (I've been writing all day today, so if none of that sentence made any sense, know that it's because all words have been shoved in a blender in my mind). There IS progress being made on The Lost Girl, but not nearly as much as I wish there was. Chapter Six is over halfway done. It's not my best writing, but hopefully some really fun scenes in it will make up for that!
          In the meantime, you should all go check out curiosityanddreams' Gentry, by a really great writer and with some amazing characters!