
Sequel to One In A Million is up now! Hope you enjoy it!


Are you ever gonna make another book in the Uriah series because you should 


@5secsofdrawing_ not too sure to be honest. Its been a really long time since I wrote the first two and I'm a lot busier now. I have actually prewritten the first three chapters of the final book but the whole series is in desperate need of editing (I started that, as you can see, but had to stop). Maybe some day I'll find the time to sit down and finish it  I'm glsd you enjoyed what I have written, though!


Please tell me that the sequel will be updated soon!!!!!!!! Please!!!!! I literally read the first chapter yesterday and I just finished the second book and I need more Urara or maybe Cariah...... i don't know either works..... Please please tell me it is coming soon...... Anyway you are absolutely one of the best divergent fanfic writers I have seen in a long time.... 


@Camp_Half_Blood2 Aw, that's really sweet! Thanks! And you too! <3 Cos my life is literally just books and TV XD


@Camp_Half_Blood2 if you ever need advice about what you want to do or just to talk. I literally have no life and well...... ... I almost always answer immediately. : )  