
Back to just like... screw around on the forums. Maybe read some stuff. I dunno. 
          	Started getting into world building, so I might post some stuff about the world or something.


So, as I'm sure has been noticed, I've unpublished my stories. 
          This is because, if you read the TLDR piece, I'm leaving indefinitely. I unpublished them because I don't want the stories up during this time, as I never liked the idea of leaving half finished stories up. 
          Anyway, the reason that I'm leaving now is because as I've been writing on Wattpad, I've found my interest in writing dwindling. The time that I was posing for RTTSE here, I was honestly forcing myself to write and it wasn't enjoyable at all. 
          Writing is my passion. Forcing myself like that, always dreading the next chapter, it was making me miserable. I hated writing for that time, so much. And I don't want to go back to that. 
          And so, I've unpublished my stories and I intend to stay away from Wattpad for a little while to recuperate my passion. I hope to return one day, and maybe start publishing again, but for the time being I think that this is the best thing for me for now. 
          I really hope this makes sense, and I'm sorry if it doesn't. I always hated when people randomly stopped posting stories, but honestly I can't see any other way that I'm going to restore my love for writing like this.


@inkiest I wish you the best of luck.


          Come and start shitposting again, I need entertainment.


Yeppers, talk to you later. And you can be a werewolf without the wolf part, actually. That's your new name. You're "Were" now. Like wear, but not. 
            See you around, Were! :D


Ya, I do. :P To be honest, I didn't actually mean to make us alike. It just kinda happened once her personality developed. I noticed a while ago, but by then it would have been a waste of time to change it. /shrug
            There are still some differences, though. She's more extroverted than I am, that's a fairly large one. And less guarded, I think. I have no idea. Emotion is pretty much the same, so is speech pattern, really... the only difference is I'm a lot less formal than she is in normal conversation. Oh, and affection is too, I've been told. :') 
            ...And I just realized this probably looks entirely insane to be talking like this. The troubles of rpers. ;-; Looking completely nuts while comparing characters to IRL. ...Although, this is Wattpad at least, so it's a little more normal. 
            But I am clearly an elf. ...I'm just an elf with some deformations. Ya, that works. 
            Anyway. Bell is about to ring. Thanks for the shitposting and conversation. It makes it look like I haven't been gone for half a month. :D And probably longer.


You're welcome. <3 And you write in sporadic text too, so don't even try. I just write in paragraphs.
            Ironically though, you're the second person who's told me not to let Syd die. The first was actually her fiance. :P OOCly, obviously, but he's pretty strict about Syd being careful ICly too, hah. They both are, to be honest. But nope, I have no intentions of Syd dying any time soon. 
            She would probably just get grief-despondence, really. I just made term up, yes, but it is technically a real thing. It just wasn't a legit term (I think). She has too many reasons to stay alive to give up entirely. But ya, the guilt would be all-consuming for her if she did kill Cet. That's all I can say on that without getting spoiler-ish, though.
            Anyway! Yes. Thanks for reminding me about asking for the time. I do think it's going to be later next week, but I do need to mention that.