Hey please update “Strings attached “please please

@MariaAfridi hey Maria. ❤️ I accidentally remembered I had a WP account, lol and saw your message. How are you these days? Inn Shaa Allah you're doing good. I was thinking about the Lost family somedays ago and was cringing at how stupid I used to be. Sigh. Khayr, about my books... I have literally written absolutely nothing since the last two years I'm guessing. My life's gone through such a rollercoaster that I'm left reeling from the after effects. My mum passed away last December. I was getting married this month but then my sister got really sick. She's in the hospital and will probably be taken to Delhi for further tests. Besides, the state of corona is absolutely hellish in my city since the start of Ramadan, although Alhamdulillaah we've been relatively safe. Alhamdulillaah! In short, I've nearly forgotten I was a writer and how I churned up stories. I'm sorry. Please do pray for my sister and me. PS: May Allaah SWT Grant me the taufeeq to finish my books and write new ones too. Aameen!