
@feefiefauxfic  no seriously, thank YOU! I feel so honoured to have created the covers for you!x


Hello! We love your covers so much and see that you also love to read and write. We are a writing club and would love to have you join us. We help by posting tips and tricks, helpful development skills, and a few personal stories from us! We do not have anything published YET but we have several items in the works. If you want to join, all you have to do is follow!
          If you don't want to, it's totally fine! Thanks for your time!


Hello, sorry to bother you, but I couldn't pass on this amazing opportunity. I have seen the covers you have made and honestly I have been in love with them before I have read the stories. You know the saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover," well I do the opposite. Guilty as charged. Honestly, you make the best covers and I was wondering if you can make a cover for my story "He's Italian" its about a dangerous man from the mafia and a girl they fall in love you can get the rest. I really don't like the cover I made for my book. If it's not bother can you please make a cover for my book. If you can't I totally understand. 
          Thank you, and again sorry for the inconvenience.


Hey, I know there are so many posts like this on your feed. but I was wondering if you could please make me a cover. whenever you are free, they look amazing. I'll post the blurb of the book below "constellation seventeen XVII" so u can kind of get idea of story. Thx.
          Every year at the strike of the twenty-fourth hour, on new years eve. Teenagers the age of seventeen  around the world swap bodies with that of their soulmate, chosen by cupid. This is a story of three seventeen year olds by the name  Elodine, Noah, River and their star crossed love. Did cupid really get his arrows mixed up ? thats for you to find out.


@finding-simba thank you so much :) :)


@finding-simba That sounds so good! And I'd love to! Just dm me and I'll start working on it asap :)

kyutaey haha I wanted to ask if you want to make me a cover because your Covers look great! I fell in love with them!. So if you have free time or if you're bored could you make me cover for my story Wolfs Rose 
          (Gigi hadid as rose) Even if you don't have time its okay :) 


@ Bookweerd  Thanks !


@Bookweerd I would loove to! Dm me the details and I'll get right on it! :)x


Hello there! I've seen your work and all the people that you had supported, and I wanted to ask you also if you could do me a cover for my story?


@inkspill Thank you! Can I send you the details by inbox?


@halcyon-minds Sure! I'd love to :) just dm me the details!