Everything about your account makes my heart melt ❤

@TotallyIsYachi ಥ‿ಥ do you want something? I'm sorry I don't have money. ( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )

I just dyed my hair,,,(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Yes I did edit that profile pic I know it's bad and yes I do simp for remus lupin (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

I finally had the time to change my description yessss!!!!❤️❤️

Hi! Thank you so much for adding ’Weasley’ too your reading list!!! I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy reading it.❤️


this message may be offensive
Why is it when someone says they're beautiful they're titled as someone who's full themselves? And when someone says they're ugly they're titled as overreacting? Wth? Are you sick? Did you go to a farm or zoo cause i cant handle these type of bullshit,,,stop this,,,your irritating me its bad enough you look like a cow,,,shut up

@Pyr0nath1c_ Yeah there's people like that clueless to someone's feelings or something,,they're stupid having to bring others down just for them to gain something that can only last a few moments instead of wanting to gain a friendship that may last a lifetime. I'm sorry about those type of people who treated you like that i wish i could say it wont ever happen again but the worlds a cruel place let's atleast find the good in it :))

Soooo im a gryffindor my first time was i was ravenclaw and i said no possible way so i took it again 2 times more and i had gryffindor and my final patronus is goshawk yayyy but i wanted to be slytherin but meh i want to own a tarantula and snake :')

Should i change my pfp? Fr i look fat there