this message may be offensive
Hey everyone!!! I want to say something...as you know that a horrible incident happened in west bengal...a 31 years old female doctor got brutally raped and murdered by some monsters... i don't know when we girls will get independence...and after this terrible incident one more horrifying case took place in uttrakhand where some minors raped a 23 years old...nurse...I just want to say please be safe guys...i know everyone always tells a girl to be careful...but nowadays humans are literally forgetting that they are humans not some monsters...nowadays we girls are not even safe in our home then how can we expect to be safe outside...now you all have to take care of yourself...you all have to be strong enough to fight with these monsters...as now god will not come to save you...you have to take weapons in your hands and teach lessons to these monsters...be strong and fight for yourself... #fighting