ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcb for a one liner or a starter ! ! ㅤㅤㅤ( ㅤㅤspecify a mood as well <33ㅤㅤ )
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcb for a one liner or a starter ! ! ㅤㅤㅤ( ㅤㅤspecify a mood as well <33ㅤㅤ )
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcb for a one liner or a starter ! ! ㅤㅤㅤ( ㅤㅤspecify a mood as well <33ㅤㅤ )
» this is so aesthetic ✨ . ouch - are you okay , that looked like it hurt — ??
ㅤ@THEROYALGOOSE n - nice to meet you ritsu - kun .. ! im kiko sakura but - but please call me kiki .. ! im always formal so im sorry in advance .. !
. ah im just honestly saying what i think and nothing more . I’m mochizuki ritsu , i am okay being called anything - but i would be happy if you just called me ritsu and spared me from the trouble of being so formal .
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@THEROYALGOOSE :: :: tysm ❤ — of course !! <3 eheh .. o - okay .. ! i dont think that way usually . instead i - i admire other peoples' beauty . but to hear you say that is really sweet of you .. ! uhm .. wh - whats your name .. ? [ softly smiles ]
/ srry this is late - i dont think ive seen you at nekoma before ... are you new there or just a visitor that just watches them play .
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@-meshi :: hm .. ? me ? uhm — im the new boys team manager for nekoma .. ! you're from karasuno .. ! i'm - i'm kiko sakura .. ! : youre fine <33
ah sorry i bumped into you!! i wasnt watching where i was going!! are you okay, ma’am? ;; here’s a very illiterate starter because i am not feeling good but i still wanted to interact —
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@hisyang :: mhmm ! we used to do everything together but now that we go to different schools , its hard .. but eheh .. yes !! oikawa - sepai .. !! he flirted with me the other day when aobajohsai played nekoma . *she sighed as well and followed with giggle giving the blonde a soft smile that curved her lips* what — why not -3- i - i wonder why asuka - chan wouldn't tell me sooner .. ! but oH my gosh !! nishinoya - senpai is your boyfriend !? oh wow !! *she got suddenly excited and her smile got brighter* no - no !! its fine .. ! talk all you want ! its fun to listen .. !! kiko was happy hikaru was already telling her about his love life. they would be good friends . ah — i didnt mean to make you upset .. ! i just tease sometimes .. eheh ~ but you are a gentleman hikaru - kun . nishinoya - senpai is very lucky ! and the boys on nekoma arent too bad but — *she decided to not finish her sentence and just sigh instead* kiki didnt want to tell all about nekoma just yet . :: LMAO iT fInE :clown: me and ellie used to rp with her oc and bakugou and that wasnt pg 13 oOP — and dont worry ! i dont mind going long roleplays sky - chan ✋❤
;; also i am so sorry for the length after like 11:30 at night i get hella descriptive for some weird reason ☠️✋
ages? that’s so fascinating to me as well, like to have a friend for that long must take its own sense of commitment towards each other! and it’s alright, i confuse myself too anyways!! and the setter..? oIKAWA - SAN — my boyfriend asked him for heLp oN fLirtiNg cAn you believe him - *a sigh escaped his lips before he chuckled, a smile reappearing on his face* yeah, they seem pretty close but it’s not my place to give out information about it... although itS SO CUTE AND I WANT IT TO HAPPEN SO MUCH HAHDJDH - ah yes my boyfriend is amazing! his name is nishinoya yuu and he is the libero for karasuno and he is so energetic but inspirational at the same time and — *he took a deep breath in before chuckling* i am so sorry — i get really happy when i talk about him! no matter how much of a dumbass he is at times... i really do love him. and ah cute i - i wasn’t ready for that today!! *he said as he covered his face* a gentleman? w - well, i just think everybody should be respected like this, r - right?? and all boys? i wish they’d take my example too... ;; they aRe nOt gOod eiTher cAuse soMe gEt a lil seXuaL aT tiMes :clown: i gotta keep you innocent for as long as i can and i gotta make sure i don’t corrupt you eitHer >:o
ah, kiko-chan! you left your bag in the gym!
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@shyspikes :: [ gently takes the bag and returns with a smile right back ] thats good .. ! m - make sure you girla get lots of water .. i dont want you to faint ..
@innocentbliiss ,, [ handing over the girl her bag, she couldn’t help the smile warm onto her lips and nodded. ] yeah, the coach is making us practice and i’m already exhausted from diving drills! but no problem!
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@shyspikes :: ahh — i didnt even notice .. thank you so much mitsuki - chan .. ! you guys have practice today ?
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@xxlilies :: w - wait .. i didnt say mirror mirror on the wall .. the mirror actually t - talks .. !? : oMG I WAS ABOUT TO DO THIS — :0
; but this ones so pretty tooooo
kiko - chan !! when are you guys coming for another practice match ? i’ve missed you loads and sho - chan has too !!! <33
ㅤ@staryashi mhmm !! they have very good chemistry and teamwork . it reminds me of us in a way .. but yes im sure ukai - sensei and takeda - sensei are doing their very best !! their reactions are the best to watch !! okay go ahead !
ahh but kuroo - san and kenma are also childhood friends y’know ! so that’s a plus in their teamwork ! but i’m glad nekomata - sensei takes care of everything ! ukai - san and takeda - san try to do the same for us too , but they’re so new to it so it’s always funny to watch ahahha ! yes follow me , it should be a few blocks down !
˚ ͙۪۪̥◌@staryashi :: :: BRO LMAOOOO yes he is that kind of coach . no wonder kuroo - senpai and kenma - senpai are so good .. !! and he really makes sure they're in good health and strength as well and makes sure im okay as well . i know the karasuno coach is like that as well .. ! okay lead the way ~
@volleysimping : wE DO LMAOAO
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