
So I finally made a book like everyone been saying I should so all u better be happy and of coure I had lots of help!!! 


          The most beyond perfect, smart, beautiful, funny, caring, kind, sweet and a very very sexy girl. She will make you smile and laugh every time you talk to her. Haley is the most amazing girl you will ever meet. She has the most amazing smile. She has the most gorgeous eyes, that nobody else has.All Haley's date guys whose name starts with an M. It is just a Haley thing. Haley is always funny and can be serious at some points, but not all the time. All Haley's can make your loose your breathe so easily because they are just stunning. They are easy to fall in love with, but so hard to let go. If you have a Haley to yourself, never let her go. Haley is amazing, she's the best! 
          HA BITCHES!!!!! thats my name in the urban dictionary!!!! its so true


When i say i hate myself i dont want to say im beautiful or great. i know im not any of that. i am me and thats the problem.i am going to be the problem until the day i die which i do hope is soon and if it works,im so sorry that i couldnt be any happier believe me,i tried so hard to be strong but i fear i cant keep this lie up any more. i am so so sorry but i just want to die. please let me disappear.