
Hi everyone,
          	Im sorry to announce that i am deleting my account, some personal stuff has come up, feel free to adapt my stories im changing their copy rights. I will post the chapters i have completed  but it isnt finished. 
          	Thanks for all the support i appreciate it. So i guess goodbye. 


@insanely_sane982 oh I'm so sad to hear this. I just hop you're happy. (You'll probably never see this message)


Hi everyone,
          Im sorry to announce that i am deleting my account, some personal stuff has come up, feel free to adapt my stories im changing their copy rights. I will post the chapters i have completed  but it isnt finished. 
          Thanks for all the support i appreciate it. So i guess goodbye. 


@insanely_sane982 oh I'm so sad to hear this. I just hop you're happy. (You'll probably never see this message)


Hello it's like you've been inactive a bit. I hope you're okay. ❤️❤️❤️


@DeleIjezie I'm happy to know that. Just take time to focus on yourself


Yeah im just dealing with some stuff right now and i need to focus on myself thank you so much for this message its made me feel better. 
            Its like fate i would check my account today.  ❤️❤️❤️


Happy holidays guys
          I havent posted lately due to me focusing on my mental and physical health, but im writing again  
          My latest work might be started to be published in the new year, heres something to look forward to:
          ‘It started with a simple joke. 
          Then it escalated. 
          Then someone died. 
          Thats how i got here. 
          Because if you screw me over. I make sure you cant do that again.’
          Until then happy new year x
          P.s don’t forget to send me your queer stories for my work on lgbtq+ ️‍ x


Any advice bc my ex (who is still my friend) literally just admitted he still loves me and called me perfect. 
          But im into someone else. What do i say?!!
          Thanks for your support


            Wait that’s a really complicated situation… just be honest I guess TT