
oh no guys T-T I have actually decided that I'll just finish editing the chapter three and I'll put ecstasy on hold on, again. I'm not really liking my plot, but anyhoo, I was planning to continue the teen fic that I was working on last summer (yay) and I'm positive that this one is much better!!!! Stay tuned :---))


oh no guys T-T I have actually decided that I'll just finish editing the chapter three and I'll put ecstasy on hold on, again. I'm not really liking my plot, but anyhoo, I was planning to continue the teen fic that I was working on last summer (yay) and I'm positive that this one is much better!!!! Stay tuned :---))


guess who's back?? ITS MEE :-)) it's been ages omg but on the brighter side, I got good news!!!! soo, ecstasy has reached to 500 reads what what? bc of that, I planned to continue ecstasy & make some changes in the chapters that I've published bc while I was rereading it last time, I realized that it was so immature oh no T-T but anyways, just stay tuned! I hope you're all excited as I am x