Hello all,
It's been quite some time since I've had the chance to actually take the time to post anything. I actually wanted to inform everyone that I've begun to write again, though sadly it is not Labyrinth (as I realised I wanted to change the way it will be written and I'll have to reread a book I own since it's in the style I want to try). Instead I will be revisiting the lovely romance I envisioned called Moonlight, if you follow my 8tracks account you'll actually find a playlist dedicated to one of the main characters, it's called Bad Moon Rising if you are interested in listening to my inspiration. Anyway, I wanted to inform everyone that I might be posting soon, I'll post the prologue and I'll begin to write the following chapters. To those who still follow me, honestly thank you for being patient, it's been a tough yea but I'm back and I have my inspiration, thank you so much lovelies.
I'll see you all soon