
Hello all,
          	It's been quite some time since I've had the chance to actually take the time to post anything. I actually wanted to inform everyone that I've begun to write again, though sadly it is not Labyrinth (as I realised I wanted to change the way it will be written and I'll have to reread a book I own since it's in the style I want to try). Instead I will be revisiting the lovely romance I envisioned called Moonlight, if you follow my 8tracks account you'll actually find a playlist dedicated to one of the main characters, it's called Bad Moon Rising if you are interested in listening to my inspiration. Anyway, I wanted to inform everyone that I might be posting soon, I'll post the prologue and I'll begin to write the following chapters. To those who still follow me, honestly thank you for being patient, it's been a tough yea but I'm back and I have my inspiration, thank you so much lovelies.
          	I'll see you all soon


Hello all,
          It's been quite some time since I've had the chance to actually take the time to post anything. I actually wanted to inform everyone that I've begun to write again, though sadly it is not Labyrinth (as I realised I wanted to change the way it will be written and I'll have to reread a book I own since it's in the style I want to try). Instead I will be revisiting the lovely romance I envisioned called Moonlight, if you follow my 8tracks account you'll actually find a playlist dedicated to one of the main characters, it's called Bad Moon Rising if you are interested in listening to my inspiration. Anyway, I wanted to inform everyone that I might be posting soon, I'll post the prologue and I'll begin to write the following chapters. To those who still follow me, honestly thank you for being patient, it's been a tough yea but I'm back and I have my inspiration, thank you so much lovelies.
          I'll see you all soon


Soooo... hi. I haven't been on for a while.. I guess you should know why really.. lately I haven't really had the motivation to write anything, even though I've wanted to carry on with Labyrinth. I've been stressed over exams coming up and revision has taken over really... I've been having problems at school which I've had to sort out and lately I just haven't had the time because I've been trying to sort things out.. a lot has happened but I do want to carry on writing, it just might have to wait until after exams are done to actually get back into it..
          I hope you all understand.. if anyone even reads these anymore.. if you do, please let me know..


I want to wish my friend @Teensuperxy014 a very happy birthday, hope you have fun today and I'll give you your present when I see you next!! ;D


Does anybody know the song Dead Hearts by Stars? I'm thinking of planning a story based around it because I've got so many ideas for it once I've finished Labyrinth - I am also so sorry for not updating, I've have a lot go on since the last update and I've felt no motivation to do so but I'll start writing again soon.


I promise I am still writing the next part for Labyrinth, I apologise for the delay between parts, I was in France most of last week so I haven't had my book to carry on writing and I've had so much school work but once I get this one piece of homework out of the way, I'll be free to write.


"It was the same as always... except that it wasn't that it wasn't simultaneously. A dense maze built up of neatly trimmed hedges, though they now had darkened under what little moonlight illuminated this hell of mine; the edges seemed to have spasmed outwards in a chaotic mesh of sharpened brambles that sought out to pierce the flesh of unaware passersby - as though what I had observed previously was nothing more than a simple illusion, a sleight of hand to lure the naive into a sense of false hope."