****SPAM ACCOUNT PROBLEMS**** So kinda sucks, I had to unpublish one of my most popular books because of spam accounts trying to use my book to trick people into idk. But it's crap and I don't appreciate it. if you have been tagged in one of these comments made on that book, I hope you can't access it anymore but if you can DO NOT CLICK ON ANY LINK THAT YOU ARE TAGGED WITH. Those sending the comments are not real Wattpad admins as they face to be. Please proceed with caution. If you're also having this issue the only way I have found to effectively deal with the issue is to unfortunately I unpublish the book. I would wait a day or two before publishing it again. If the problem continues after you've unpublished and republished your book I would try to contact an actual admin of Wattpad. The service robot cannot help you. I hope no one else is dealing with this but if you are, seriously. Unpublish your book because people can get their accounts stolen and sometimes even their credit card information.

@insanity_is_my_drug it was so bad :( also love that you put your name and face up! You're so beautiful!

@insanity_is_my_drug Same here! I got about 100 comments spanning five or six books. It was awful.