I know probably no-one Is goining to read this and I don't really care. I need to rant about something.
So, I was in 6th class when Covid started, so I never really finished properly. 1st Year was really weird as well. And even now, I still feel like I'm in 1st Year, not 2nd. My brain is a year behind.
And when we left for Seconday School, all my friends went to a different School, together. And they started hanging out all the time, all together, without me. They're not bad people, they just very much live in the moment. So if you're there with them, great! If you're not, it's very much out of sight, out of mind.
And in 6th Class, I stopped hanging out with them at break, for multiple reasons. I won't go into them right now, maybe in another rant.
So I started hanging out with the guys, and I had fun and jokes around with them. It was easier.
We drifted apart, but now there's a Youth Club in my village. I went last week and I was disappointed, honestly. There were girls from their school who I didn't know. And I talked to my friends quite a bit, and they seemed pretty happy I was there, but I got the vibe they really didn't care. Like it made no difference whether I was there or not.
And today I was going to go but didn't in the end. But as I sat there, torn between to go or not, I found myself thinking it would be fun to play with the guys. I wasn't thinking about the girls at all!
I've really drifted apart from them and I feel like I don't fit in anymore. We've all changed and I also made new friends. And my new friends are more my kind of people. But I miss my old friends too. I don't know. I'm really torn. But either way I'm going to go next week and give it another try.
Well, that's my weekly rant over and done with. I might started posting her more often. I follow someone else who does this, and it seems good to get your thoughts out there. And it's also fun, to just rant and get other people's thoughts and opinions.