So I just realized something I completely forgot I was going to mix into We're Here Kid. How could I forget to add one of my OTPs?!
Shinbaku was supposed to be added into the story, but I never got to that, maybe I subconsciously made The Tsundere and The Insomniac because of that... Idk, but please for the love of all things unholy give me ideas for my Erasermic and Shinso oneshot book. (I'm working on The Tsundere and The Insomniac don't worry) I'd love to get requests from you guys, see what you want and enjoy! I don't care what ship you want as long as it involves Shinso (but Erasermic is permanent, mostly cause I don't ship either of the heroes with anyone else ((mostly)) ), seriously. I prefer to write fluff and angst, but I will write a smut if you want, just ask. With smut, any characters will be aged up to at least 18, or whatever age I see fit. I prefer a character that's had more than five minutes of screen time. Anyway, feel free to post a message or dm me a request, I love hearing from you guys!! I'd prefer your requests involve the following info:
Type(smut, fluff, angst):
Kinks (if a smut request):
Plot (what situation are they in, any details that might help):
Anyway, I'm done talking now, Remember to take care of yourself. Eat something, drink some water, and if it's anywhere from 12-5 in the morning, go to sleep!
Bye my little lovelies!!!