
Hey guys !! The Chris Lanzon fanfiction will be updated soon !! I'm currently writing an update but idk how long it will take bc I have been so busy from school and I just haven't had any ideas, I'll try and update as soon as possible ♡


Hey guys !! The Chris Lanzon fanfiction will be updated soon !! I'm currently writing an update but idk how long it will take bc I have been so busy from school and I just haven't had any ideas, I'll try and update as soon as possible ♡


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated Dms Chris Lanzon. I'm active and I'm writing a new book so its unfair to keep you guys waiting,  I'm definitely going to update but I just need to get ideas for a new chapter since I just don't have any ideas atm. Anyways while you're waiting for dms to get updated check out Star Crossed Lovers, if you're a fan of Twenty One Pilots you'll love and especially if Josh is your favourite. Sorry to keep you guys waiting !! ♡


Hey guys I will soon post another chapter of my Dms Chris Lanzon book xx, I have been going through a lot these last couple of days and I haven't had any time to write another chapter since my mind has been somewhere else, feel free to private dm me if you have any questions xx. Love you all so much ❤️❤️