tell me why wattpad helped with my depression yet also caused me to dive into a deep pit of anxious, depressed behaviour mixed with the lack of taking care of myself, drug and alcohol addictions, and how i only now noticed that the sky isn't black at night - it's just grey. i doubt any of my followers are still active or still want to hear me write but i'll be honest and say that trauma and self-hatred has burnt out my flame for creative writing. i don't write anymore and while i sometimes make myself listen to sentimental music and look at prompts softly like snow clumping onto leaves i end up looking like the grey slush at the sides of highways and sidewalks. i am nothing but a mere, broken down version of me. damn now i hope no one sees this but if they do, hi :)

thank you<3 i needed that, i was also craving cotton candy and ice cream so it's almost strange how you got that so spot on, thank you <33

hey there. i loved your stories back in the day, and i just became active a bit ago. life can be desolate, depressing, and just grey, and yet it can also be a myriad of cotton-candy sunsets and orange sherbet sunrises. i hope you can grow to a point where you can look away from the grey skies and see the sunrises, friend. <3