
          	Countinue the song if you know what it is.:


If y'all depressed stressed and need to Express go ahead on this post.


@LoverOfSuns @internalydying if you wanna message me it in okay with that


@internalydying I’m not sure, if I can explain it though


Depresso mode of the day!:
             If I were to tell you I hate myself you'd all help me maybe you k ow me personally, or you just like my content. But I you had no idea who I was , or as if you found me randomly, you wouldn't care. But there are people out there whom need somone to care and somone tho love them. You all are people u care about although some more than others and that's okay! But let people know you care and share the love.


New depresso mode!:
             We all have our ups and downs, lefts and rights. But we are never told how to react to a good thing. I mean were always told dont do bad, and if you see somone doing it go to somone or tell. But the se ond somthing goo happens and we tell somone its considered bragging. And I want to change that! Anytime somthing good happens I want you to come and tell me whether it be on my board or in my messages. I just wish for you all to be happy and be able to share that happiness.
          Love you♡♡♡♡


Happiness is key  sharing happiness is even better 