Where's our independence?
To walk alone at night,
Without fear's crippling grip holding me tight.
To take up space without apology,
To speak my mind without hesitations in sight...
Where's our freedom?
To be strong and vulnerable
At the same time, without contradiction
To be me, unapologetically
Without societal pressures suffocating me.
Where are our rights?
To work without fear
In my workplace, a safe haven?
Where my voice is heard, my bounds respected
No fear of harassment, no fear of rejection "oh you're just a girl, leave it to us"
Is hoping a sin?
My safe space, actually safe
No threats, no violence, no shame
Where I can thrive, grow, and create
Without fear's constant, nagging weight
Then where's freedom to be me?
I wish I was a boy
I know they got problems too
But if I had a choice, I'd choose theirs...
Independence? Happy?
Not really..."
I wrote this yesterday... Oh well...