this message may be offensive
I franticly serched for my phone until I found it. I grabbed it and immidietly diled 911. I began to feel light headed and I paniced even more. I hit the call button with my bloody finger and brought it up to my ear. "911, What is the adress of you emergancy?" A man asked from the phone. "L-Look I don't have time that... I j-just tried to k-kill myself by cutting and it's really bad and I.need help or I'm gonna d-ie.. I really do-don't want to die.." I spoke franticly the phone. My hands were shakey and my vison was fading in and out. I'm gonna die. "Ok sir please calm down. I have EMS headed you way. Do you have any sort of cloth next to you?" I couldnt hold the phone up to my ear anymore, having to let it fall to the side. I put him on speaker phone. "I.. I can't f-fucking move.." I spoke as loud as I could. "Ok, EMS are 2 minuites out. Can you try to stay with me?" "Fuck.. I-I'm not gonna l-last that long.." I heard the ambulance in the distance but I couldnt do anything but sit there. "Please try. What room are you in on what floor?" "T-The.. bathroom.. second.. f-flo.." The sounds around me started to fade, the last thing I heard being sirens.