
*          /            cb & specify   <3


/  anything!! 


open up -  open UP !


not your typical bullet .  *  they can feel it  -  it doesn't feel like an earth bullet . no , it feels like something darker .  *  bullets o - on .. xoria . poison . 


*        the amount of times morrigan has had to take care of bullet wounds        (       SELINA ,     BRUCE ,        BELLA      ) ,           she's all too familiar with how these scenarios go .                   *                good .                  *         last thing she needed was herself or natsuki in danger ;                the woman returns with the kit ,          frown settled in her features .             *
            (   @fatalistics   )


*  thank kor morrigan was quick on her feet . they'd stumbled here from the attack site a ways off , in agonising pain the whole way . but they refuse to show any more weakness then they already had . *  killed them .


see,   this   time  i  came   through  the   door   [:


⁰⁰¹          ★͟        ꩟         ARE YOU WORTHY
                 ❛       YOU’RE  QUITE  WELCOME
                         MY  LADY,    (  !!  )    IT’S  A
                         SOCIAL  VIST     ━━    you’ve 
                         been  busy   with   social   
                         matters    and   i  was   hoping
                         i   could    [  MAYBE  ]  distract
                         you  for  a  few  moments  and 
                         take   your     time     ❜ ❜


@aesirheir        ::
            i     ...        i can see that ,        thor .         thank you ,         i appreciate that .         *        a small smile .        *                 do you need anything ,         or is this a social visit ?


*          /            cb & specify   <3


/  anything!! 


it would be a complete betrayal .        imagine waking up to find someone you loved is dead ,         because of a secret they kept -        and you're not even obligated to be mad because they were a hero ?         cut me the melodrama ,       it's selfish .          *       an eye roll before she grins slyly .           *            nobody needs it ,             just like i don't need a penthouse and silk sheets ,             and bruce doesn't need to sleep with every woman he's not related to -             i still live in a penthouse and he still screws anything with two legs though .                *          she shrugs before a         /          thoughtful          /         look finally passes over her features .            it's rare morrigan is ever truly thoughtful ,                everything comes so naturally to her -               yet when it comes to         /        him         /          and his family ,            she always tries to be considerate .             *                     well ,              you could always take her to see that new musical -           i heard it's really gripping ,          and i don't mind chipping in to help you ,           either .                or you could get something a little more simple ,               like ..             maybe one of those little cooking sets ?                   i think mom's like those ,             anyways .              nice pots and pans -               or a pretty necklace .                 *          she points out ,               taking his hand with ease .                   *                good -             i'm tired of being bored and alone at these events .             it's only fun when you're there . 
          (   @youngcrimed    )


well ,          let me tell you -            the ones that have family ?              i would hold a little resentment towards someone if i knew they were hiding such a double life from me ,                especially if it risked their lives .                *         ONCE AGAIN ,        EXPERIENCE LACES HER TONE .        she doesn't loathe bruce ,          but she resents the fact him being      /       hero       /        will always be a priority .              *                 like a diamond ring or a rolex ,           yeah .             *          she scoffs ,             rolling her eyes .            *                duh ,                you'll be at the gala by my side ,            won't you ?
          (   @youngcrimed    )


*     a playful eye roll as she reaches into her purse ,       retrieving a wipe before she reaches in and cleans the smudge off his cheek .           *          better .             hm ,              i think it's rather childish .                 would have a lot more respect if they could show their face ,            don't you think ?              imagine the fear their families go through ,          after all .            it puts a lot more strain on them .           *      ALMOST AS THOUGH SHE SPEAKS FROM EXPERIENCE .         *           true ,         but you are my favorite person -                    his audacity really did piss me off .                    they wonder why i invited him to the gala afterwards .              there's a clear reason .              i get to push him in the pool .
          (   @youngcrimed    )


*       his futile attempts only lead to morrigan laughing ,        curls bouncing as she shakes her head .           *             i think vigilantes are only illegal cops attempting to play dress up to make this city think it's capable of being saved -                people like         /           you         /       are the real heroes .         *       a smile as she bats her eyelashes at him .             *                  at least ,              i'd rather call you than the man of bats .                  ugh ,               this dick weasel storms in ,            all ' i want to talk to the wayne in charge here ' ,              so of course i told him that was me -                  he told me that he wanted to talk to a             /           real             /            wayne .                   i poured very real ,                  very hot coffee all over his damn designer suit .
          (   @youngcrimed    )


*         she leans in ,         pecking his cheek and leaving a lipstick mark where her lips had been seconds ago .         a small laugh follows his suggestion .              *                lord knows i'd pay more than you're getting from doing this grimy old job -             remind me again why you risk your life every day ?           *          she scrunches her nose up .              *           my insults are one of a kind .             you wouldn't believe the dick weasel that came in earlier ,           parading like he owned the place .
          (   @youngcrimed    )


this message may be offensive
*         it's almost instinct to lean into his touch ,              a smile tugging at crimson lips .                *          i suppose that secretary i fired today would definitely consider me terrifying -              could you believe she messed up my order ?               got me a frappuccino instead of a latte .                i missed you too -              work was the usual .               had idiots come in ,              try undermining because i'm not my brother .                  sent them back crying to their mother with their dicks as shrivelled up as their egos were after i was finished with their misogynistic bullshit . 
          (   @youngcrimed    )