
Ok. First off please inform me where I called BTS gay because that will be news to me. Plus, Since I’m here I might as well tell you that if I think BTS is gay (Which would be my own opinion.) I don’t see how that would effect me liking them. You can’t always assume that because I think they’re gay (which I didn’t even say...) I dislike them for that specific reason. I have a friend that is gay and when we get into fights it’s not because of the gender he prefers! And also, I don’t think you took the time to read either my bio or the story description where I explained the photo and name was a joke. So since I’m so selfish and extra I’m telling you that if you took the time to read ANY of my stories you would realize that I didn’t dedicate a whole account to my hate for BTS. And speaking of “dedication” I wouldn’t be spending a good 5 mins on writing a paragraph defending BTS when you didn’t even spend 2 mins to read my description on why it was a joke. That seems desperate. The only reason why I’m spending my valuable time to respond (which took me a month because again, time is valuable) is so that you understand that I am not what you assumed. I have multiple friends running my account too, FYI writing stories strictly about Grade 7 drama, not BTS. And the only reason that I had my name as “IreallyHateBTS” And a picture of one of the members is because its a private inside joke between me and my friends. If you didn’t like my account name or picture you could’ve just simply clicked off. Oh yeah, and if you also took the time to reread your paragraph to make sure it made sense you would realize that their name isn’t BTW, it’s BTS. Even I know that.