

“I’m not scared of God,  I’m scared he was gone along.”   mature themes + heavy portrayals of death, and gore.  portrayed by mia goth  <3


“august 5, 1960.  six teenagers found dismembered at the FITZROY house,  with a sole SURVIVOR.  authorities say it was a cold blooded MURDER.”    “she KILLED them!”  “monsters aren’t REAL” “she’s CRAZY”   ,,     ♱    Wednesday  Fitzroy,   girl who cried monster  && resident ‘nutcase’.    tied to the SLASHVILLE universe  &  others.   created 2025 by yours truly xoxo


i’m sorry!  i’m sorry──  i didn’t mean to scare you..


@iremorgue  oh, uh..  he’s not mine.  [fingers curl within the long fur of the feline,  whose body relaxed in the familiar hold,  meowing once or twice and flicking his tail every other three seconds ]    his name’s church ..   he belongs to my …    /sister/       [church had been missing for weeks,   and poor betty was smiling less and less the longer he remained absent in their big yet small home.  he was her best friend after all,      —- the only friend she could have given her condition]    i really am sorry, by the way──     i’ve probably said that a lot. 


@reapsowed    [with furrowed brows,  her gaze follows the startled blonde as he urgently rushes over to the old rocking chair to retrieve his cat,  to which it meowed in response.   it was dark,  so in truth she had no idea that a cat even snuck its way into what looked like an abandoned house from the outside,  not until its owner came running in after it.  tucking the switchblade into her pocket,  she forces out a long sigh of relief,  her rigid frame only loosening ever so slightly]    well..   i’m glad you got your cat back,   a lot of pets end up here and their owners never retrieve them.   they’re too spooked,  and i’m left as the foster mom


@iremorgue     [and he was more than dramatic to scream when she screamed.  not that he was  terrified, (or he was)──   it was just a habit for him to react the same way as others.   he keeps his hands up,  blue eyes widening]    i’m sorry,  i was just──  [his eyes dart between her and that old rocking chair,   clearing his throat and darting quick to retrieve that black (who was really a dark brown) cat,   hugging the animal close to his chest]     trying to get him back..     


thank you, but i can do it


@kismetil     [she wasn’t a fool,   she hadn’t truly met anyone before who didn’t know the name.   shooting him a soft,  yet almost nervous smile,   it faltered just as quick as it appeared on her pale features]    well,   it’s nice to finally put a name to a face.   cami talks about you a lot—    and your other brother


carmen,  [ now recognizes her,   camila had mentioned her one a few times over the phone and well..   everyone seemed to talk to talk about her.  ]  i'm camila's twin brother..


@kismetil    something like that,  yeah.   i live up the street.   [it wasn’t that her and camilla weren’t friends,  they were.   things were just different now,   especially after everything that happened last summer.   keeping her hands clasped before her frame,  she rocks ever so slightly on her heels,  her gaze watching him hang up a banner.  which was presumably for a birthday]   wednesday.  i’m wednesday 



“I’m not scared of God,  I’m scared he was gone along.”   mature themes + heavy portrayals of death, and gore.  portrayed by mia goth  <3


“august 5, 1960.  six teenagers found dismembered at the FITZROY house,  with a sole SURVIVOR.  authorities say it was a cold blooded MURDER.”    “she KILLED them!”  “monsters aren’t REAL” “she’s CRAZY”   ,,     ♱    Wednesday  Fitzroy,   girl who cried monster  && resident ‘nutcase’.    tied to the SLASHVILLE universe  &  others.   created 2025 by yours truly xoxo