
Hi all! Just in case anyone sees this and is wondering where I've been for the past... year and a half...
          	I took a long break due to my starting uni, moving cities, etc, etc. Not to mention the whole Covid thing. It's been a long while and I'm sorry!
          	I've decided to try and get back into writing, however not on this account. I started this account at... I want to say 12/13 years old? I'm now 18, so it's definitely time for a revamp.
          	I'm not deleting anything off this account, it is staying exactly as it is for the rest of time. Who knows, maybe I'll come back and rework some of the old stuff one day. But for now, feel free to pop over and follow me on my new account,
          	SoftTeaBooks !! <3
          	Hope to see you again soon x


Thats @SoftTeaBooks for the sake of quick links :)


Hi all! Just in case anyone sees this and is wondering where I've been for the past... year and a half...
          I took a long break due to my starting uni, moving cities, etc, etc. Not to mention the whole Covid thing. It's been a long while and I'm sorry!
          I've decided to try and get back into writing, however not on this account. I started this account at... I want to say 12/13 years old? I'm now 18, so it's definitely time for a revamp.
          I'm not deleting anything off this account, it is staying exactly as it is for the rest of time. Who knows, maybe I'll come back and rework some of the old stuff one day. But for now, feel free to pop over and follow me on my new account,
          SoftTeaBooks !! <3
          Hope to see you again soon x


Thats @SoftTeaBooks for the sake of quick links :)


Hey! I'm going to be turning The Umbrella into a short film! I mean I will be changing it a little, to fit the required theme, time length . . . and because I wrote like 3 years ago lmao. I don't think I'll be able to show anyone (school project, for a grade, you see), but I'm just super excited!


Sorry for the second announcement of today, I promise that this one is actually important - I've just changed the cover, the title AND the description of "What's a Boy to Do". It is now known as "Love, Brazil". Because that's just . . . better. :)


Yooo! Thanks to all the people who added Harry's Twin to their lists lately. Seriously, there's been a huge number and i have no clue why??? I wrote that story when I was, like, 12. I am now 16. what the fu-
          Anyways, since there's been a lot of attention on it atm . . . maybe I should write Harry's Twin #2?? LMK


Hey y'all!
           I updated the LAST chapter of ASSIGNMENT a couple of days ago!
          I'm really super duper proud of this book, so if you want to check it out, I would greatly appreciate that x
          And in saying this, it means I AM NOT CURRENTLY WORKING ON ANY BOOKS (aside from imagines and little ones). So what I'm asking is if you would like to see either ORIGINAL CONTENT (boi, I have so many ideas) or more FAN FICTION (if so, who of? I have a few ideas floating around).
          Let me know what you'd like to see by either DMing me, commenting on a book (I will see it, I promise!) or, simply, replying here!
          I wanna make content that both I love and you guys want to read, so your feedback is super important to me.
          On this note, I'm not currently happy with HARRY'S TWIN #1 *at all*, so it will be a while before the second book begins (and this, in turn, depends on if I can edit book #1 to a point where I'm genuinely proud of it. I know you guys love it, it's my most read book, but if that's going to be the way people get to know me and my writing, I need it to be the best representation of me possible - not a representation of my terribly clichéd 12 year old mind..)
          THANKS FOR READING AND STICKING AROUND! Remember to tell me what you'd like to see next, and I'll see you in the next book!


          expect a few updates this week . . . I PROMISE THERE WILL ACTUALLY BE SOME!!
          AND! If you're a fan of SHAWN MENDES and you LOVE his new music, go check out my book on imagined backstories. I'm super duper proud of them and I would love it if you read and voted on them, maybe left a little comment. That'll be rad~ but yeah! Go check them out :D
          Thanks all, see you soon!