
Chapter one of Float is up, guys! Chapters two and three are already done and I'll be posting new chapters every 3-5 days!


So.....I just published a story. It's called For Ricky. It's pretty much done but I'll be doing a short epilogue for it. It's a bit of a forerunner for a story that I'm currently working on. Obviously, the one I'm working on will be much longer and much more detailed and will have a different story line with different characters. Please vote for the story if you like it and would like to see a similar story.


@iris_ad_infinity longer going to be doing that longer story. Maybe in the distant future, but as of right now, no. I'm having trouble finding a good plot that I like and can stay commited to. I'm working on it guys. Sorry.


okay. so I haven't written in forever and I don't have an excuse. I'm trying to write really long chapters for this next book so just let me get to chapter 3 and I will publish it. Meanwhile, check out some of the books I've been reading like anarchy. it's a really good book even for those of you who don't like harry styles and/or fanfics. ttyl & I will be writing everyday for you guys!


Sorry I haven't been publishing anything lately . I am working on something right now but don't want to start publishing until I'm at least halfway through. It's a long story so it will take a while to get to the middle but I promise to make it awesome for you guys!