
Virago herstory hurts, it hurts bc it's a small girl, it's abt a small girl who suffers from harassment from grown adult men, I'm glad she has Victoria... 


I've been thinking in making a book abt villains and Heroes, but it's angtsy bl and the hero has a lover, had unfortunately the villain dies.... Bro angst became an emotion for me- 
          Idea originated by watching the channel: @DoloresZsiga on yt


I would read it. 100% 


I have a new obsession, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. I will now make a few books abt it, but I'll still make Solarballs books:3 also I love the two aus where they suffer- "Diary Of A wimpy kid:dysfunctional perspective" and "Diary of a wimpy kid:Overflow"... I think you know how the books will be:) 
          ANGST IS LIFE-