
I am entirely unable to motivate myself to write without your comments. 
          	Furthermore I lost my progress of about 20.000 words due to a saving error. 
          	So without further ado I will restart my journey of writing my book here on wattpad. The updates will be sparse and I will not have as much time as I had over the last years as I am currently working two jobs - but I am optimistic. 
          	Oh and I changed my name from blondenedbluex to irisblairvalentine because I felt like a new start warranted a new username. 
          	I will start writing tonight and we'll see when and if the first update will come. 
          	Lots of love,


@irisblairvalentine Happy to hear this. Take your time 


@hornycrackhead relatable lol 
          	  But you must see that I started this journey when I was like 15 or something. I’m 21 now. There’s just been a lot of growing up throughout my writing journey. 


@irisblairvalentine i mean, i'm happy to hear that but as someone who has read the very first version of this story here on wattpad: make up your mind 


The thing is, you are one of my top favourite writer!
          When I read your book, I feel that I’m in an other world. I can be so calm and happy, so big thanks for that. I read your story some years back, and I was so obsessed with it. I can read it anytime time, and if you write an other version I know it’s also going to be magnificent! Thank you for sharing with us your talent! 
          I can’t wait ❤️!


I got so excited when I thought u updated new chapters instead ima just re read 


@ilikemilfsgetoveritt please continue the story you are such an amazing writer and this story is just magnificent. Please don't let us down  xoxo your devoted readers 


Haha sorry!! I wanted to delete the whole book but a friend of mine literally begged me to be allowed to read it and I had to reupload for her. I am currently writing on the new version and will be starting a new book for it, so I can track the reads more accurately. <‘3


I am entirely unable to motivate myself to write without your comments. 
          Furthermore I lost my progress of about 20.000 words due to a saving error. 
          So without further ado I will restart my journey of writing my book here on wattpad. The updates will be sparse and I will not have as much time as I had over the last years as I am currently working two jobs - but I am optimistic. 
          Oh and I changed my name from blondenedbluex to irisblairvalentine because I felt like a new start warranted a new username. 
          I will start writing tonight and we'll see when and if the first update will come. 
          Lots of love,


@irisblairvalentine Happy to hear this. Take your time 


@hornycrackhead relatable lol 
            But you must see that I started this journey when I was like 15 or something. I’m 21 now. There’s just been a lot of growing up throughout my writing journey. 


@irisblairvalentine i mean, i'm happy to hear that but as someone who has read the very first version of this story here on wattpad: make up your mind 


Hunnyyyyy when I tell you this is going to be a literal #1 Bestseller once you finish this and I will be the 1st to spend all my money on the hard copy to read foreverrrrrr 


Please try. You are truly an exceptional writer. You WILL be published. And it will be a bestseller. I’ve been an avid reader for over 20 years. You are one of a kind. Trust in yourself. Watch and see. 


Haha that’s sweet! Though I don’t think my writing is good enough to actually be published. Maybe I’ll try one day (: 


uhmm so i think a tear or 2 shed at the end of the chapter but i absolutely loved it, thank you sophie 


@blondendbluex, thanks for the thorough explanation. I won't hesitate to ask you if needed. My request would be for you to not be too long with updating (no pressure, of course). It's just that I love what you did with the story. The rewriting, Ashley's and Evelyn's changes in character, the new context... It's all such a step-up. I hope you will be published if it's something you are willing to do in the future ♡


@geminiLgirl Sometimes it’s really hard to leave a toxic environment, especially if you have been conditioned to be obedient and reliant of your abusers. In Evelyns case her parents have been abusing her since she was a child, her fiancé stepped into their footsteps the moment she went to college. She never got to know what it’s like to be appreciated and loved unconditionally. Being abused is all she knows and for those being abused it’s sometimes easier to stay in that environment, because risking to leave it comes with many unknown factors. It’s scary to do new things and leave what you’re used to behind, especially if the abuse is the only constant thing in your life. It’s more of an emotional restraint Evelyn has. She isn’t able to leave her parents and fiancé behind because she’s been conditioned to fit into their world just in the way she does right now. Getting to know Ashley is showing her new possibilities of life and messing with her perception of reality. Everything else you’ll hopefully get to read about in the future. If you habe any more questions please feel free to ask me! <3


@blondendbluex Same here. Thank you for the sweet dancing moment and what came next. The shifting in the dynamic between them clearly shows affection and the blossoming of love.  Very intense at the end. Ashley feeling helpless while Evelyn is being abused is heartbreaking, and I really look forward to the next update. Question though: How can Evelyn be so powerful, confident, and almost feared by all and at the same time being at the mercy of that 'monster' of a fiance? I would love to hear your thoughts... :)


you don’t understand how excited i got seeing you updated again, ilysm thanks so much, i’ve gotta go read it brb 


@blondendbluex of course <33 it was absolutely amazing and i just wanted to thank you a lot, again. i love the chemistry ashley and evelyn have. i love how bold and heartwarming ashley is. and how evelyn is a tough person on the outside but is a real big softy when with ashley. everything about this book is perfect. i hope to see more of it from now on, you’re an amazing writer! 


Thank you so much <3 


Wow!!! I’ve just come across your book and finished it so far in one sitting. Your work is amazing! Thanks so much for sharing it here :) hope your doing well!


Good luck with your exams! Don’t rush to update, your exams are way more important. I hope they go well :) and you feel better once competing then. 
            Thank You


I am currently struggling due to my exams, but I’m trying to write and will update as soon as possible, though that’ll probably be around the end if this month or the first week of next month. I’m truly sorry for all of the waits! 
            Lot’s of love, 


Will we ever get to read the end of this story? It’s so beautifully written and honestly deserves to be published. But life does happen and I truly hope you are okay and life hasn’t become to overwhelming for you hon. We are patiently awaiting your return and hope all is well. Sending love and positive energy your way.