
i’ve been in pain since the day i was born, and every year my pain just grows with me, bigger and bigger until it’s too much, too much that i can’t handle it anymore. everyday i look at my red puffy eyes and my pale skinny body, i feel my soul slowly dying, slowly leaving my body.. and i just stand there and watch hopelessly, i watch every flower in ‘my garden of a heart’ -as my mom used to say-, getting cut and pulled out from the dirt by everyone i love, my friends, my family, my love and everything just makes my garden worse and worse. 
          	it’s not living anymore. i’m tired of this, of everything. i doubt anyone that i know or care about will read this. but i just wanted to say one thing before leaving this horrible place. 
          	i -unfortunately- loved and cared about everyone i knew, but that just made everything worse.  
          	so an advice from someone that have been broken hearted so many times, don’t waste your love, don’t give it to anyone, only give it to the the people that truly deserves it. i found mine but my love was done, i was heartless by the time i met them, i let them down and i’ll never forgive myself for it.
          	yours truly,
          	the boy who never knew himself. 


i’ve been in pain since the day i was born, and every year my pain just grows with me, bigger and bigger until it’s too much, too much that i can’t handle it anymore. everyday i look at my red puffy eyes and my pale skinny body, i feel my soul slowly dying, slowly leaving my body.. and i just stand there and watch hopelessly, i watch every flower in ‘my garden of a heart’ -as my mom used to say-, getting cut and pulled out from the dirt by everyone i love, my friends, my family, my love and everything just makes my garden worse and worse. 
          it’s not living anymore. i’m tired of this, of everything. i doubt anyone that i know or care about will read this. but i just wanted to say one thing before leaving this horrible place. 
          i -unfortunately- loved and cared about everyone i knew, but that just made everything worse.  
          so an advice from someone that have been broken hearted so many times, don’t waste your love, don’t give it to anyone, only give it to the the people that truly deserves it. i found mine but my love was done, i was heartless by the time i met them, i let them down and i’ll never forgive myself for it.
          yours truly,
          the boy who never knew himself. 


من فترة وانا ادور على روايتك وتو لقيتها،، رغم انها مو مكتملة الا انها فعلا تلامس مشاعري بطريقة غريبة. فشكرًا لأنك بيوم كتبتيها وقررتي تشاركيها معنا،، يرب تكوني بخير❤.


So I came out in Twitter, and I guess I should come out here too. 
          مرحبًا، أنا non-binary. أنا لستُ أنثى ولست ذكرًا كذلِك، أنا مُجرد إنسان. 
          لا أُمانع أي صيغة، مذكر أو مؤنث، لكني لستُ مرتاحًا بوضعِ نفسي أسفل أي مِنهُما، أرجو أن تتقبلوني كما أنا، وأن لا تؤثر هويتي برؤيتكم لِذاتي أو إعجابكم بكتاباتي. 
          كل الحُب. 


البارت الجاي خلصته من زمان بس باقي لي اراجعه، تبون انزله ولا بدري((؛؟xx


@irisestarrynight دايما بلا تردد رجاءا


@xxhinx شكرًا حُب، بنزله


مرحبًا، عندكم روايات تنصحوني فيها؟ مو شرط تكون لاري اي شيب عادي((:


@irisestarrynight عندي زيال ولاري لقائمه لفكشنز ون دايركشن ><


@Bluebear79 it's okay love, you don't have toxx


@rose-hes  احتاج ابكي هالفتره اصلا، شُكرًا


Hi sweets , how are you doing ? 
          Wish that you are doing great!
          Anyways , I wanted to ask you about something ; when will you update your fic 'two ghosts'?


I'm doing fine babe thanks , I finished the chapter but it's kinda messy I'll try to make it better. 
            Thank you so much for reading and for your patience, love you((: