Thank you for adding my story to your list. I read your profile and you sound like a brave and special woman. It is hard to talk about sensitive subjects like abuse and you are a inspiration to many other women. I look forward to reading your work.
Just wanted to say thank you for the voting and commenting on my story. Your words are really kind and sorry that I haven't replied to you before now but just know it meant a lot what you wrote. If you can message me that would be great x
Hi! Thank you for putting my book in your reading list and voting.
I completely agree about how abuse is shrugged off in books, btw (as you mentioned in your bio). It annoys me sooooo much. That is why I decided to write my book actually. It is so so so so annoying and ignorant! I just can't even. I wanted there to be a book where abuse survivors recover realistically because people who haven't ever been abused seem to think it is okay to write about it without any research or anything!
Sorry for the longness of that, but I am happy to find some who agrees about that. Have a nice day/night :)
Thank you for adding my book to your reading list I uh... I'm sorry about what happened to you, you probably don't want pity but... What happened to you is horrible, I can't exactly relate, but I'm very sorry.
@sarmomemt hey, no problem. I'm sorry for not replying, I only saw your message just now. Thank you for reading my books, in very grateful, I'll surely take a look at yours when you publish them
Thank you. No I don't want pity but I share it hoping others who have been through it understand they aren't alone and honestly to explain why my stories all center around the topic. I don't post them till they are complete but I have over a dozen I'm currently working on. I added a ton of books to my reading list last night and I can't wait to read them all, yours included! :) thanks for writing! I only started here in October so it's nice to hear from someone, your the first person to post on my wall. :) thx!