Hallöchen Ironmanxxxx!
Ich habe eine neue Geschichte begonnen zu schreiben und würde mich freuen, wenn du die Zeit finden würdest um mal rein zu lesen! Sie heißt "Secret love affairs ".
Liebe Grüße,
Andrea aus Berlin.
Im going to be making a couple of changes on here and editing my work (its going to take a lot of timeeeee!!) since theres been a lot of progress on them! so wish me good luck
Hey guys! Ive been away from wattpad for AGES! I never even looked back at it and now i have. And i have ALOT to do on here!!!! So just want to start by saying HELLO to you all!❤️
heyyyyyyyy my beautiful followers thank you for all your love and support i really appreciate it thanks carry on reading my stories since i do wrote for u guys also read my new story the millionaire game thnxs