Hello everyone! I have been away for SO SO LONG. I am so sorry. I am getting really emotional seeing that cotton candy family has grown and that you respond happily to my past work! Unfortunately, I won't be continuing writing fanfiction because... how can I say it... I've kind of grown out of the K-POP world. You know, sometimes, it's this phase that you go through and then, responsibilities and adult life comes through and bombards you with all of the things you need to do! I hope you're all doing well! I won't close my account yet. I am thinking of continuing writing stories, but not in the near future. You can share news on life, kpop etc. Any comments on my stories, so we can have a discussion. ALSO, thank you so much for your requests on fanfic stories, but I won't be able to make them reality :( STAY SAFE & HEALTHY!

@classic-bebe aw okay! I won't! Thank you so much for your good words, I hope you are healthy and safe as well! You are very kind ^_^

@classic-bebe yes of course! My username on instagram is @canevadangele :)