
Mark sama johnny jangan ganteng2 lah, ku gakmau oleng :(


wonho klr mx, so sad


mn sy tw ;)


@kinokst ada lah line w masih aktip beb


u g ad sosmes active slaen ini pa? w gbs cek board lu mulu bege


you’re the one who always deal with my roller coaster mood. you always smile even though my face are upset down. you always listen to every nag i say. I always inconvenience you. But you are still there, with your soft hand stroke my hair “ babe, i love every milli-seconds of you, ever since you’re mine, i’ll be dealing with any traits of you, this is not a promise, this is a commitment i promised when i took you. “


I asked for human-angel, and you came to my life and gave me the smile i never knew i was worth to received or not, you gave me the love i never knew if i deserved your serenity love, but ever since you came to my life, you bring joy and color to my mono life. I’ll give you the best watermelon and chicken in town, minhyung-a. Thank you for your sweet and your impeccable charm that always mesmerized me. I hope this feeling won’t be vanish nor inevitable. I want to cherished our memory not only in jpg, but also our home.