I could taste the smoke smell. I sat up and gagged, taking in my surroundings . I was in an obviously burning building. People were running everywhere. Frantic. The fear was evident. I could smell it in the air. I hopped to my feet and started sprinting to the stairwell. When suddenly, a plane exploded into the building. The impact threw me off my feet. An explosion sounded soon after and the entire room filled with heat and bright light. I jumped to my feet again and started running. Glass crackled under my feet, and the hair on my arms began to singe from the intensity of the fire. I reached the stairwell before the mass of people did.. Or what was left of them. Women missing arms. Men's faces burned. I gasped at the amount of dead people laying everywhere. All engulfed with flames. I turned and began sprinting down the stairs. When, suddenly, an enormous beam began to fall. I jumped to get out of the way. But, unfortunately I wasn't quick enough. The beam landed on my left leg and I was thrown, again, to the ground. Pinned. The mass of terrified people kept running. Trampling me. I lay there in agony. The building was shaking and growing hotter. Sand was raining down from the ceiling. I heard footsteps behind me coming quickly. I turned as much as the bean would allow and saw a young, pretty girl rushing up to me. I saw the recognition in her eyes as she gasped. "Damian!"