
Got hit by a basketball today at Pe and my whole side of the face went red and small red bumps started to form and it looked soo bad and my head still hurts


happy birthday to me ahh hehe! Love u all and thank u for 3k reads :’) my goal was to reach 1k till my birthday but look at it now! crying so thankful <3


@cattywonka thank u so much beautiful, I did have an amazing day :’)  <3


Aw Happy belated birthday! i hope you had an absolutely wonderful day beautiful, you deserve it all. <33


Okay imma admit something embarrassing.. when i started writing this book I wasn’t actually trying to write a book only was basing the story on someone I like and just ended up as a story. K bye for now.


@cattywonka I can’t- I don’t even like the guy anymore but I mean hey he got me writing a story so thanks I guess lmao


@isabellarosewood girl you’re so real for that, and honestly love that LMFAO


Was thinking about all my book characters and idk if ya’ll know where the names were inspired from but here lol: Vivienne- just always loved that name so chic and cutesy and love the brand Vivienne Westwood lol. Camden- my favorite song by Gracie Abrams. Nate- guy character from Gossip Girl (my husband). Mads- from a friend of mine. Eleanor- another character from Gossip Girl (Blair’s mother) and yeah i think these are most of the names lol :)