
helloooo, it’s been so long! I don’t know if anyone even cares about my writing anymore hahaha. I have had no motivation to write since I really don’t love my books anymore. I want to write something but not really about Shawn Mendes anymore. I hope to have a new book out soon but just as a warning it won’t be Shawn Mendes. I can’t say for certain who it will be yet but we’ll just have to see. It might be a show tbh. I love you all though and we’ll talk soon <3
          	x Isabella


helloooo, it’s been so long! I don’t know if anyone even cares about my writing anymore hahaha. I have had no motivation to write since I really don’t love my books anymore. I want to write something but not really about Shawn Mendes anymore. I hope to have a new book out soon but just as a warning it won’t be Shawn Mendes. I can’t say for certain who it will be yet but we’ll just have to see. It might be a show tbh. I love you all though and we’ll talk soon <3
          x Isabella


HELLO! I got locked out of this account and had to change my password multiple times. I am frustrated and very sorry for my absence. I am very annoyed with wattpad for closing my account and forcing me to change my password only to lock me out AGAIN and then act like I was the one in the wrong for ‘forgetting’ my password. Anyways, updates coming soon. Love you guys. Isabella.


Okay hi! I think I might change my layout again soon. Also, I’m sorry that I haven’t been updating, it’s partially from me working on something new and partially for being bad at managing time. I’m going to try and get new updates out soon. 


Hey guys, I wanted to make a small post, talking about the current events in America. I'm sure you're all aware of what I'm talking about, but if you aren't, right now there are protests and riots breaking out over the ongoing struggle that Black people have faced. I have and always will be an ally for the Black Lives Matter movement. I have and will continue to educate myself on issues and ways I can do my part. I am half white and half Hispanic, so I understand and recognize my privilege and will use that privilege to speak for those who have been silenced because of the color of their skin, who they choose to love, what god they pray to, and any other circumstances that our society has unfortunately not come to accept, as crazy as that is. That being said, I urge my followers and anyone reading this to please do the same. By ourselves we are strong, but together we are stronger. I love and support all of you, and also remind you that my dms are always open to anyone who wants to talk or needs a friend. Love you guys.


I got everything posted again guys, I'm really sorry about all that. I sorted everything out so it's all good, I've just been exposed to my friend group sadly, but I'll live. New Imagines soon, new chapters on Priorities soon, and the Tom Holland fic should be up within a week or two!


I’ve been watching you update for the last ten minutes . 


@isabellastyping not at all I thought it was funny


@hernandezfa lmao I know it was probably so annoying I'm sorry


Actually I lied 39 minutes actually.