
Whelp it sure jas been awhile hasnt it I guess i should explain why I've been gone for so long. one good reason was because i moved accounts @sploinkydoinky I been focusing on making stories on that account but unfortunately I decided to now take a hiatus from that account and i am now coming back to this account full time under a new name isaiah komic productions.  I made a teaser for a mew story on that account but since this was the account that started it all I decided I wanna go back to making original stories like angels of justice the new story will feature angel with his siblings i will post the synopsis later today but yea long story short im back once again to make a original story thanks for my 8 followers who have stayed here since the beginning see you all soon and stay tuned 


Whelp it sure jas been awhile hasnt it I guess i should explain why I've been gone for so long. one good reason was because i moved accounts @sploinkydoinky I been focusing on making stories on that account but unfortunately I decided to now take a hiatus from that account and i am now coming back to this account full time under a new name isaiah komic productions.  I made a teaser for a mew story on that account but since this was the account that started it all I decided I wanna go back to making original stories like angels of justice the new story will feature angel with his siblings i will post the synopsis later today but yea long story short im back once again to make a original story thanks for my 8 followers who have stayed here since the beginning see you all soon and stay tuned 


It has been a good while since I worked on angels of justice as you can see i worked on 2 new chapters hopefully more to come i also wanna thank my friend reyna for giving me inspiration to continue and thats pretty much it subscroob to my youtube channel toxic ivysaur


@isaiahmakesstuff34 No need to thank you you just gotta out your mind to it an work on it! :> 


Huge announcement to a small audience I am making a major new sorry based on a story me and my friend made up based on a anime called dragon ball Z this new story is called dragon ball EX. This story is gonna be a long series with arcs and fights and everything still debating what the age rating will be most likely 18+ due to blood and gore this story is in its beginning phase of development which means I literally just came up with it a hour ago so this development will be really long I most likely will post sneak peaks here and there so don't get your hopes up and this story being out anytime soon and before you ask yes angels of justice is cancelled because of this and it's been cancelled for a year anyways thank you everyone and im excited for this story and I hope you guys will be excited too