
all my exams and now i can rest in peace also I swear if I don't have an A in every subject  I will kill myself


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okay heres something for anyone who might be reading,
          i discovered wattpadd in 2017 and used to read shit on it alll the time mostly cliche hetero bad boy good girl typa beat then i signed up in 2018 and ive been here ever since ive always stayed quite here and on most of my socials scared if someone who knew me in real life actually got to take a look inside my head but im getting to see more and more amazing people on here , friends from different parts of the world and strangers in comment sections and seeing how comfortable and open it is to be on this app. u can talk about ur favourite colour to ur deepest truama on here and read sooooo many beautiful pieces of writings. this app has helped me to open up to a whole ass new part of me. my reading genre has gone from hetero shit  to gay shit only so much that i get an allergic reaction from opening anything hetero (jk oke yall dont take this super serious) and just wanted to know if i know u from some other platfrom, socials or in real life and i shared my wattpadd acc  with u it means i trust u with my life and i love u soo much and that u mean a lot to me k. anyways yall can go back to whatever u were doing before deciding to read my long ass rant . i love yall 1000 million infinity and i will be absolutely spamming the comments in all and every story i read k