Hey, I dunno who really reads this but I just wanted input if whoever's reading wants me to show the changes that I've made to White Rose. It's a looot different, the concept the same but content not so much. :P
Hey, I dunno who really reads this but I just wanted input if whoever's reading wants me to show the changes that I've made to White Rose. It's a looot different, the concept the same but content not so much. :P
Sorry the people who are following me, I haven't been on in a while. I updated The White Rose finally, and I am probably going to majorly revise it. I have a less cliche background story for Zahra. Anyway, thanks to all the people who actually are following me!
Hey izz, thanks for helping with the title, A House of Cards is a way better title than what i was thinking of (My head still hurts from learning, knowledge hurts! X-X)
Hey izzy, i added some things to Into the Shadows if you want to check it out. if anyone else is reading this, you can't read the book cause it is not posted yet and only my friends can read it.. so you'll all just have to wait... DEAL WITH IT! >=/