
Hello!!! How is everyone! I just thought it would be nice to tell you all that I have a youtube now :D 
          	I post songs there at times and also do a little vlogs and videos. If you want you can go and check it out. My channel's name is 'mojojojo', you can also look me up by @haruyobean (which used to be my previous wattpad name lmao). 
          	here's the link to my latest video: 
          	Do share and tell me what you feel about it on my email <3


Hello!!! How is everyone! I just thought it would be nice to tell you all that I have a youtube now :D 
          I post songs there at times and also do a little vlogs and videos. If you want you can go and check it out. My channel's name is 'mojojojo', you can also look me up by @haruyobean (which used to be my previous wattpad name lmao). 
          here's the link to my latest video: 
          Do share and tell me what you feel about it on my email <3


Hello everyone this is Haru,
          I hope you all are doing well. I am slowly starting to understand why most writers leave Wattpad after a certain amount of time, age and experience and I think my time to leave this platform has reached too. When I first started to write here, I just wanted to see some good comments on my stories and I am glad that it did. 
          I have grown up a lot as a writer and I have come to the realization that most of the stories written here on this platform are not realistic at all. Most of them are delusional and give you the wrong idea about love and the artists we write about in general. And I too might have given you the exact idea through my books which is completely unintentional and a rookie writer mistake. I was 14/15 when I started writing on Wattpad and all I knew was to write what sells.
          I really would suggest all of you go outside and live a life beyond to understand the true essence of love and what kind of challenges it brings about. I have noticed many young readers who come here and get the wrong idea about love and I'd strongly suggest you get off social media or anything and focus on your life. Otherwise, you'll start expecting a love that doesn't exist. 
          With this thought circling in my head for months, I've decided to discontinue all my books because I dont want to write about something that will promote the wrong idea to thousands of people across this planet. Also, what's the point of keeping unfinished books on my profile?
          I am grateful for all the love and support you have shown me for 6 years! I'll always remember each one of you, all your comments about my writings have made me feel special and if you want to contact me feel free to email me on 
          Thank you so much.
          So long
          Haru :)


Hey dear Haru!
            I just forwarded you an email please check it out and if you could help me with whatever I wrote in the email I’d appreciate it, thank you a lot!


Hello, my lovely readers!
          I am so sorry for all the delay and everything. We are 100 followers away from 1K?? 
          I just realized that the last time I updated my book was in the month of March?! But my situation is better than before. I had to go through a lot of drastic life changes that held me back. I am scheduling my time to write here and work a part-time job. The updates will be gradual and I need to finish it definitely BCS you gotta finish what you started. 10 books were the goal and I will fulfil it at all costs. 
          Thank you for the love and support you have shown my books, almost all my books have appeared in the #fanfiction genre and I cannot be more thankful than this :')
          My 14-year-old self will be proud of me for how far I have come. Thank you so much <3
          Please do mention and let me know whenever you are translating my books or took inspiration from it, BCS plagiarism is bad :>
          Aight, here we go, The Bangtan Book Series!! 
          -Haru <3


Hey haru how have you been?
          Despite being busy with studies and not being able to read stories neither being online, but I’m dying out of curiosity!
          Where are the other parts of the BOSS fanfic??
          I’m looking forward to it :)
          Hope you’re having a great time luv ya <3


          *an invisible reader here *
          Just asking out of curiosity! May I know when are you gonna post the other parts of the ff BOSS|JJK?
          Love ya ’nd best wishes!!


            Thank ya gurl >~<
            Wish you the best too! ♡︎♡︎


            OMG! IM CRYING T_T
            Thank you so much! All the best with the translation! I am looking forward to checking it out!!! <3333


Itsk!! Glad to know that!
            I’m a big fan of ya and your books and I already started translating the 2nd book of BBS to my native language under the name of ya!
            *also hoping it’d be normal for you :D*
            Keep goin’ buddy! 


Hello everyone! I have an announcement to make:
          I have been very irregular with my updates because I haven't been very well mentally and I have been suffering from a lot of stress and anxiety which has led me to not being able to write anything.
          I am really sorry, I know all of you have been desperately waiting for updates and I feel very guilty for not being able to produce my best in writing. 
          Nonetheless, you have given me and my books a lot of love and support for which I am very grateful. You guys are literally the best T-T
          In order to help myself mentally and everything, I am going to take a break and go on a hiatus till the month of July. I promise to come back with better writing and everything. I would love to engage with you all again that time and thank you for everything. 
          I hope you all understand and thank you once again for everything! :) 
          I will be back soon and till then take care of yourselves and I love you all :D


I am so sorry, I completely forgot about what happened between Eun sol and Han in the previous chapters. lmao. I'm so sorry XD, I will be updating another chapter by tomorrow :D


@niconicobts I just finished reading the book and I’m so excited for the next chapter cause I’m really mind blownfrom what’s happening so far!!!