There are hard times in a person's life, where he / she doesn't know what to do and what not to. Whom to trust and whom not to. In my life so far 90% of the people were fake. Yes it did hurt alot .. but due to these 90% people .. I got to know that these 10% people are pure gems. And your name .. my dear Santa .. comes on the first number. You know there were times when j thought I'll never ever smile again .. n u used to send me memes. I laughed like a maniac that time. In past few months .. I'm not having enough time to PROPERLY talk to you. And I don't feel good about it.
I'm really sorry for soo many things. For not giving you time, for not calling you, for not doing anything hatke on your precious birthday. I'm really sorry.
I know you are in the hardest phase of your life. But it will soon go away. I promise because I pray for you every day without forgetting.
Santa I just want to tell you .. though I'll not talk to you for days because of my problems but I'm always with you. ALWAYS.
So the main point.