nothing's gonna harm you
not while i'm around
nothing's gonna harm you
no sir, not while i'm around
demons are prowling everywhere nowadays
i'll send them howling, i don't care, i've got ways
no one's gonna hurt you
no one's gonna dare,
others can desert you
not to worry, whistle i'll be there
demons'll charm you with a smile for awhile
but in time
nothing can harm you, not while i'm around.
being close and being clever
ain't like being true,
i don't need to, i would never
hide a thing from you
like some
no one's gonna hurt you
no one's gonna dare
others can desert you
not a worry, whistle i'll be there
demons'll charm you with a smile for awhile
but in time
nothing's gonna harm you
not while i'm around
not while i'm around
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