
Hello lovely people! To those of you who read my books I’m sorry for the delay on the next chapter!! Finals are the worst and I’m up for long hours studying making sure I can graduate! Once finals are over I’ll try to update the lost Luna! I also want to give a quick thank you to everyone who has been reading it cause I’ve seen th he reads and votes go up and I just want to say thank you for the support! Those of you dealing with finals as well, we’ve got this it’s almost over! :))


Hey! Hope you're doing well. 
          *you can totally delete this text if you want to* 
          I just started writing my first book, if you could, will you please check it out? I can really use some support.



Hello lovely people! To those of you who read my books I’m sorry for the delay on the next chapter!! Finals are the worst and I’m up for long hours studying making sure I can graduate! Once finals are over I’ll try to update the lost Luna! I also want to give a quick thank you to everyone who has been reading it cause I’ve seen th he reads and votes go up and I just want to say thank you for the support! Those of you dealing with finals as well, we’ve got this it’s almost over! :))


Hello everyone,
          I'm sorry for the slowish update.. school has started and I need everything to settle before I can think about updating again!! I'll try to update ASAP! Thanks for all the support for my books!


For everyone who follows me and is currently reading The King's Lost Luna.. sorry for being MIA, my summer job as kicked off and I just don't have any time atm to update! but I promise it'll come soon! Thank you for your patience