Hey y'all! As you all know Urbanesque is a book club/groupchat on an app called telegram. This book club/group chat consists of writers and readers from wattpad, looking to make new friends, discuss and read books both on wattpad and in the app store, host their own events and more. We’re currently looking for new recruitments to join this family.
Anyone can join! BUT you must be 16+. We're a judge free group, and majority of the members are a very welcoming, intelligent group of individuals with different personalities. SOME OF YOUR FAVORITE AUTHORS MAY BE IN THIS GROUP CHAT, but you'll never know until you join. This book club/group chat has been up and running since December of last year. It's been growing ever since. If you're looking to join or have any further questions about it, pm us OR just download telegram and create a user, once you've finished, message one of the admins on telegram @pettybrat (AJ) @hisbrat (Lex) @diathelit (Dia) or @yantheying (Yanni)