
Hey guys am currently on holiday and was planning to have already finished A Life in the Dark however as the last few chapters have not had any reads for ages, I am not going to update until around February, where there'll be a double update hopefully. Hope everyone had a great xmas!


Hey guys am currently on holiday and was planning to have already finished A Life in the Dark however as the last few chapters have not had any reads for ages, I am not going to update until around February, where there'll be a double update hopefully. Hope everyone had a great xmas!


Junior Eurovision is today!!
          My prediction: {my hope/what probably will be}
          1. France/ Poland
          2. Ukraine/ Ukraine
          3. Poland/ France
          4. Portugal/ Kazakhstan
          5. Armenia/ Albania
          6. Australia/ Armenia
          7. Georgia/ Macedonia
          8. Serbia/ Australia
          9. Macedonia/ Serbia
          10. Kazakhstan/ Georgia
          11. Albania/ Azerbaijan
          12. Belarus/ Portugal
          13. Ireland/ Belarus
          14. Russia/ Wales
          15. Wales/ Ireland
          16. Malta/ Israel
          17. Italy/ Russia
          18. Azerbaijan/ Malta
          19. Israel/ Italy
          20. Netherlands/ Netherlands
          Good luck to them all!


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Of course it's really good! I want to know whether she'll get away with it. I reckon Joe will find out and confront her, but then I don't know if she'll kill him, he'll cover for her because he likes her or he'll kill her/get her arrested