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Woof. Long time no read, right? Well. I'm just here to announce a few things, And then I'll be out of everyone's hair. First things first, I just wanted to thank all of you beautiful fucks for 22.4k reads on the only goddamn story I published here. Jesus H. Christ, You guys are incredible. Seriously. I appreciate every comment and every bookmark. Means the world to me. /gen Second off, The "Kimi Ga Shine" fanfic (You know. The only fucking story I have published on here) Needs some SERIOUS UPDATING. Mainly due to the fact my writing style has changed quite a bit since those days and comparatively, that story is. Well. Ass. Straight ass. No other way to describe it. However, If you'd like to see some of my NEWER stories that AREN'T ass (sorta), Feel free to check out my Ao3 account: @thegoodishomen. If you don't use Ao3 often, Fear not! I will still be on Wattpad periodically, Just not as much. Until next time my friends. - Kaos/Omen.