
             Usually, I’m being stupid and fooling around in wattpad. But I’ve always loved other animals, and today, I would like to love them a little more. I want to change something. Thank you (if you signed the petitions, of course (: ). Also, uuuuuugh that sounded disgustingly professional.
            Is also a very important petition to sign. Bc duh Transgender rights. Thank you. 
          And wow ur old bc I’m like a year younger 0-0


How r u a boomer lmao ur only a year older but. Who tf cares, okboomer


@HuskayaKen13 it's all good fam. But now I think I might be....a BOOMER


Oh hey! A fellow 7th grade fetus!


Omg that's terrible. A few days after the parkland shooting that was in like Cali or Florida, there was a gun threat at the middle school (I was in 5th grade at the time) that was written on one of the bathroom walls. It wasn't real, of course, but it scared my Mom so bad that she kept me and my sister home, even though we were both in elementary school. To be fair though the middle school is right across the street from my old elementary school, so I can see why she was scared. The shooter could get away and start shooting up the little kids at the school. It's honestly just really scary to think about.


this message may be offensive
@Random_Dev52007 there was a guy in our school last year that fucked a 8th grade girl and did drugs and brought guns to school. He would hug only girls and was only friendly with the girls. He would stare at their butts and one time, he stared at my chest. This was November 2018. He got arrested. 


Yeah, another teacher at the highschool fricked a 14 year old girl and got her pregnant, so she killed herself, and now he's in jail. He taught my cousin whenever she was in middle school, and left the middle school that I went to for sixth grade the year before I went.


hey can i respectfully ask your pronouns?


okay, thank you! i was just wondering. also, don’t be afraid to ask people to use your pronouns as long as you know you’ll be safe asking


@daimenlovesburgers yes. My pronouns are They/Them/Their but sometimes it's hard for me to correct people because I get scared on what they might think 


If you dont mind I would like to talk to you and hear your political opinion. Maybe tell me some ways to get over a crush, and ask someone out?


@Fightme_Katsu Here's a top thing you need to know. The definition of Racist or Racism. I know so many people who misuse this word everyday and make assumptions of things that don't even line up. Another word is Sexist. Legit, most girls in my school misuse this word and it doesn't even make sense. Just because a boy doesn't let you hang with him, or do something, it's not because you are a girl. Before you make a social or political statement, think of why you made that statement. Do you have proof? Any evidence to back it up? What was your main point? Evidently, just anything to back up your point. Know that racism isn't just limited to white people. Mexicans, Hispanics, African Americans, multiple races can be racist. Before you get fully into a political topic. Go in a library and look for political science books. Social science books work to. Look at the news every once and a while to get updated on recent events. 


@Fightme_Katsu sorry for the late reply I'll take your political opinion on just about anything though I'm not very politically intelligent at the moment so it would be nice to hear someone's opinion and thank you for the advice you can talk to me just about anytime just telling you now


@Fightme_Katsu What exactly was it that you wanted my political opinion on? 